Tag Archives: Walkabout

Wednesday – San Francisco

Steve had classes so I took the train into the city by myself and did a little sight-seeing.

I visited the Cartoon Art Museum. There was a Batman exhibition on but I found it mildly disappointing. They could filled the entire gallery space with just Batman so I would’ve thought they’d be more selective in what they put up as I found it less then thrilling. But maybe I’m biased because I don’t like Frank Miller’s work in The Dark Knight Returns and they had a whole wall of that. The exhibit I really liked was Drawing the Sword: Samurai in Manga and Anime. It was really interesting as they covered quite a long timeline of art in a very small space. Plus they had some Usagi Yojimbo pages.

After spending about an hour and a half in the gallery, I walked up to a bike shop I’d found online. I promised myself that I wouldn’t buy anything else but I really wanted some new bike gloves and they had the Specialized ones my riding partner loves at about $25 cheaper. So now I have two new pairs of gloves – one short and one full fingers. I also discovered this particular bike shop is willing to ship complete bikes to Australia. Maybe next time I upgrade, I’ll investigate that as it’s much cheaper. They’re also willing to send group sets.

I did have a less then fun experience while I was ambling about. I went looking for an ATM to check how much money I had and I found one in a parking building that was right next to a counter. I went in and put my bag down on the counter so I could swap my sunglasses for my prescription ones when the guy using the ATM started abusing me for being too close to him (which I wasn’t by the way). I tried to ignore him at first, then turned my back so I was facing away from him and couldn’t see what he was doing but he kept going. As he walked away, he called me a bitch. So I retorted by calling him a wanker but later realised he probably had no clue what that meant. To a degree I felt sorry for him because if he’s like that every day of his life, he must be a very miserable individual. But he really upset me so I find myself unable to feel particularly sorry for him. It took me totally by surprise as pretty much every other person I’ve met has been incredibly friendly. I’m usually fine being on my own but at that particular moment, I felt really lonely.

He upset me so much that when I found the Levis store I decided to buy myself a new pair of jeans to cheer myself up even though I’d told myself no more spending. But it worked. It worked because I had to try on four different sizes to find the right one and the sizes got smaller each time. Not too long ago I had a 36 inch waist pushing towards 38. Now it’s 29. I left the shop feeling mildly better about myself but also guilty for spending even more money. Still the jeans were about half what they’d cost in Australia so I consider that a win.

Headed back to Oakland where Steve picked me up and treated me to In-N-Out, which also helped with the cheering up. The people who own the company may print bible references on their packaging but they certainly know how to make a really good burger. They treat their employees really well which I think helps enormously. It would have to be my favourite fast food. Just a shame I can only have it when I’m in California.

Anyhoo, I did take some of photos during my travels so let the showing of the happy snaps commence!

First of three really weird sculptures in a building forecourt on Mission St.

Number two.

And number three.

Fountain across the road from the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

There was lots of really impressive graffiti.

A man-hole with steam rising from it! I didn’t think it really happened but there it is.

American flags.

Really didn’t expect to see this! But there is was – a crumpler sticker on a bike rack.

Umm… I think this was on Mission St? Maybe. Not sure.

Had to crank the exposure a hideous amount but look! It’s a W class tram!! The city of Melbourne donate a couple to San Francisco. It sounded just like it would if it was at home.

Bike couriers’ trusty steads.

Streetscape shot as the sun was starting to set. And yes, I was standing in the middle of the street. Got off it quick smart when I realised the light was about to change.

Hey look, even more buildings!