Monthly Archives: March 2016

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48 weeks

In other words, Juno is now 11 months old. It’s kinda mind-blowing to think it’s been nearly a year since she was born.

Juno’s current favourite activity is hanging out at the sliding door to our balcony. Sometimes she just sits there, other times she gets up on her feet with her hands on the door base (which is about 15cm off the floor). But her favourite thing is plucking balls out of her ball pit, dropping them out the door and watching where they go. It’s very cute when she does it. She’s very precise when she picks up the ball but she doesn’t always manage to hang on to them so the balls are ending up everywhere.

She’s also very into her stackable toy. Juno is actually playing with it right now, taking a cup out and then putting it back. It’s quite amazing to watch her when she plays. Everything is interesting and she can be utterly fascinated by something an adult would find quite boring.

Childcare is going well which is a huge relief. The carers in her room are lovely and they all seem to really like Juno (who I think is considered a pretty laidback baby by them). I’m really happy with the centre. It’d definitely not the most modern one I’ve seen but the kids are so well looked after and that’s what really matters. Plus Juno really likes there 🙂

We’re done!! I’m off.

Road to recovery

It feels like it’s been an eternity since my accident but sometimes it feels like hardly any time has passed at all. Life has been a bit busy I guess…

I’m not where I thought I would be. I think I had some idea that my shoulder would just get better and everything would go back to how it was before. I don’t know why I thought this when all the medical people I saw told me it’d never be 100% again. Still, the problem isn’t with my arm per say, it’s with my shoulder. Technically my shoulder wasn’t actually injured but it’s what has been completely and utterly screwed up.

I have reasonable mobility – no frozen shoulder for me – but it’s not great. When most people lift their arm above their head, their shoulder will stay down and stable. Mine doesn’t do this. When I lift my arm above my head (ignoring the fact that I can’t lift it the whole way), my shoulder rolls forwards and up. When I’m standing, you can see that I hold my shoulder more awkwardly than the other. It rolls forward but I can’t stop myself from doing it.

I’ve been doing clinical pilates twice a week since about June last year. It has helped. I am getting stronger but I know my arm is still so weak in comparison to what it used to be like. It’s so frustrating and so sloooooooooow. My shoulder can make some pretty terrible noises too. I often hear it grinding away and other times it makes a pretty horrible crunching sound. My physio has assured me that the crunchy noises are fixable as it’s just the joint playing up but it can still be pretty alarming.

The real concern is that I still have pain where the break is/was. It’s not constant but according to my physio I shouldn’t be experiencing any pain at all in that area. It could mean that I have bone spurs or calcification. So it looks like I need to see an oesteo surgeon. I, at least, need a scan to see if there’s anything going on with the break. The idea of tiny bits of bone floating around in my arm is more than a little disconcerting.

I guess I shouldn’t be complaining too much. At least my arm works. I can pick Juno up and carrying her around. It is hard though. She gets heavy for me pretty quickly and I have to either sit down or put her down. I wanted to use our carrier a lot but I can’t because it puts too much pressure on my shoulder. But soon we should be able to start putting Juno in it using the back carry (Juno back pack!!) so hopefully that’ll be easier for me.

I guess all I can do is keep moving forward. I feel I’m doing all I can to recover. It’ll take however long it’ll take.