An idea is stuck in my head of once again venturing back to uni. I got curious and checked out what courses Open Universities offered and I found a Communications degree that offers a journalism major. Now the idea is stuck in my head and I’m seriously contemplating whether or not to enrol. The timing is wrong for session three (running from Sept 1 – Nov 28) but session four could be a goer to start it as it’s over summer.
I’m crazy.
I told myself after finishing my multimedia degree that I would never ever go back to school. However, right now I feel a really strong desire to re-skill. I don’t want to do IT support for the rest of my life but it’s really hard to get a decent job these days unless you have either a university degree or loads of skills. I was interested in journalism when I was still at high school and wanted to study it at uni but I was heavily discouraged from pursuing it (in other words, everyone told me I was crap and wouldn’t be able to hack it). I’ve always wanted to be a writer but I don’t feel I have the imagination for it. Writing for a newspaper really appeals because I’d get to write but it’d be factual so I wouldn’t feel pressured to come up with something.
If I did a degree through Open Universities, I could still work. It’s all online learning, which would really suit me. I’m also entitled to FEE-HELP so I could defer the fees (and accrue an even larger education debt).
Can I afford it? Do I really want to commit to something like this? How big a change do I want to make? Do I really want to put myself through the pressure of studying again? Am I having a mid 30s crisis?
I don’t have to rush to decide. Enrolment for session four doesn’t close until November 14 and by then I could’ve decided this is a crazy idea and I was mad to even contemplate it.