I bought a scarecrow action figure that’s based on a Tim Sale design today and I’m looking forward to photographing it. It’s so creepy looking. I can’t wait to hit it with some good harsh lighting and see what comes out.
It dawned on me
I was watching the news last night and they had a story about the abolition of the law that prohibits hand gun ownership in Columbia. The reporter was standing out the front of what I think was the Supreme Court in Washington DC and it dawned on me that in a few months I’ll be seeing that for real.
Have own hosting, will set up WordPress
Upgrading did the trick and now I’ve got a spiffy new theme that I’ve tweaked within an inch of its life as is my way. If you’re curious about the photo (which of a Batman action figure from Matt Wagner’s Trinity comic), it’s one I took and looks like this in its usual form.
Haunted Knight
Anyhoo, I’m still ironing out the kinks with this blog and figuring out how it all works. But I’m sure it’ll be fun and I’ll acquire some new skills.
I’ve set this blog up so I can share my holiday experiences in a fashion that I want to. I could’ve done the easy thing and set up one on the many blogging sites that are around these days but no, I had to do it myself. My hosting plan isn’t supposed to include a database but they were nice enough to let me have one. The perks of being a long-time customer I suppose.
My trip is short, only nine days and I wish it was as longer but I’m just glad to be going at all. I leave Australia’s fair shores for America on September 21 and come back on September 29. It’s my first time overseas and I’m just a little excited. America was never my first choice for a overseas trip but the whole comic book obsession intervened and I’m heading there for the Baltimore Comic Con. Apart from Baltimore, I’ll be spending a few days in California before heading to Washington DC then onto Baltimore. Lets see how much I can squeeze in – plenty I hope. I’m going to be meeting a bunch of people from the Tim Sale forum I frequent, including the man himself and Matt Wagner. I’m hoping to come back with a few commissions from a few of my favourite comic book artists.
Hey look! It’s a first post
My mum asked if I’d be have a travel blog like my brother did while he was away. I decided I had to go one better and set up my own blog. So here ’tis. After much messing about, breaking it and upgrading it, I think it’s finally arrived.
Go team me.
Now to work out how to successfully apply a theme… But that’s for after I watch at least one episode of Life on Mars series two.