There’s a plan…

A plan forming in my head for next year’s overseas jaunt that will turn the trip from memorable (because all my trips so far have been pretty memorable) into something of epic proportions.

It goes something like this…

Melbourne > Los Angeles > Seattle > New York > whatever European city fits with travel dates > Paris > Roubaix Velodrome.

I attempted to stay awake during this year’s Paris-Roubaix but repeatedly dozed off. However, during one of my awake periods, I decided that I had to be in the velodrome on the day of the race at least once in my lifetime.

The dates for Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle next year are March 30 – April 1 and Paris-Roubaix is traditionally run in early April so why not put the two together for what would be an awesome holiday? It’s amazing that I hadn’t even thought to check dates until it was suggested to me. And when it was, it just seemed so… obvious. So now the research will begin on how to actually make it happen.

I like this plan, I like it plenty.

3 Thoughts on “There’s a plan…

  1. helen on June 14, 2011 at 19:37 said:

    oooo – this sounds fantastic!! Although I wouldn’t bother with LA, but SF is my fav. I can’t wait to be there next month.

    And great idea to go to the Velodrome! Fun, fun, fun. 🙂

    • lauren on June 15, 2011 at 09:18 said:

      LA because it’s usually the easiest to fly to. And I have friends there who I can’t wait to see.

      Oooohhhh!! You must go to In-n-Out burgers when you’re in SF. Have one for me.

  2. Pingback: My, that was quick! « little words

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