Tag Archives: America


I have an itinerary!!

How exciting is that? The planning has already commenced. Guess I’m getting no xmas presents this year. But I’m fine with that – money is all good (preferably American). The funny thing is that the flights are the same as the ones I was on for Baltimore. Heh.

I can’t wait. It’s going to come around so quickly this time. I’m putting in my leave request tomorrow.

*shakes head* I can’t believe I’m doing this but it’s going to be awesome!

Me? Bitten by the travel bug? Never!

I told myself I wasn’t going to do this but I’ve decided to go to Seattle next year for the Emerald City ComicCon. It’s the location for next year’s forum meet and it was killing me to think I wouldn’t be there. So I decided I should be there. Got enough money on my credit card to buy flights to Los Angeles and I’ve found flights that are on sale so why the hell not?

I’ve decided I’d rather have the debt and the brilliant experience I know it’ll be than to stay here and regret not going. Debts can be repaid, experiences can’t be lived once the time passed.

It’s felt like something has been missing since I got back. I’ve had nothing to look forward to and plan for. I didn’t realise how much I was looking forward to it and how much I did think about it. Now I know. The whole traveling experience is so fantastic I wish I could do it more often. I thought I’d be all blase and flippant about it but it really has changed my perception of… everything really.

So yeah, once more I’m off. It’s going to be brilliant. I can’t wait to see Seattle and all my friends.