Tag Archives: Melbourne

That was totally wicked!!

Heh. So pleased one of my favourite quotes from The Incredibles is so appropriate for today’s experience. Because it’s true – watching the start of the elite men’s road race at Federation Square was totally wicked. Obviously the biggest cheer was reserved for the Australians but there was a pretty big cheer for the Kiwis and the other big names like Cancellara, Cavendish, Frank Schleck (Andy didn’t come) and Hushovd.

Took along my trusty camera and then spent most of the time wishing I was taller. There was a guy in front of me whose bald head caused reflection in just about every time photo I took. Sigh. And I wasn’t watching my camera display carefully enough so I missed a prefect shot of Cadel Evans because as I lined it up, my battery died. Again, sigh.

But enough whinging! The experience was fantastic and I do have some photos to share.

SBS cycling presenter Matt Keegan being interviewed.

Some of the American team members lounging about at the sign-in area, waiting for a team member to turn up.

The Colombian team consisted of two members. There were a few single rider and two-rider teams.

Some of the Norwegian team, including the eventual winner Thor Hushovd (centre).

A couple members of the English team including the “bad boy” of cycling, Mark Cavendish (left)

Sign-in board about two thirds full. The Aussies have all signed in. 178 riders started but only 99 actually finished.

Spartacus!! Four time individual time trial world champion and current gold medal holder, Fabian Cancellara (centre) with two Swiss team mates.

And they’re off! See, I did get some photos of the Australian team. Eventually.

More of the Australian team.

This photo is a little blurry as I was leaning over the barrier to take photos and realised I had a cyclist heading right for me. Had to pull back pretty quickly but I was still taking photos.

So many pretty bikes out on the town today but this one really stood out. Too cute!!

Clickity click

After getting asked by two people if I was still taking photos, I figured it was a sign I should get my camera out and actually use it. There are bigger versions in my deviant art folio.

So, without further ado – pic spam post!!

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What you missed today


A short but mildly taxing pedal around the Capital City Trail brought my housemates and I to the very lovely Dights Falls on the Yarra River. I was surprised by some of the hills on the ride. Some of the ascents are quite sharp and there are quite a few long slow ones as well. From what I can tell, the Capital City Trail is actually quite long so I think it’ll be worth investigating more thoroughly. But I should’ve known it would be hilly because Kew Boulevard (actually Yarra Boulevard) is the border of the park.

Black Rock this morning was stunning. Perfect riding weather. The sun was out, the temperature was low and there was the tiniest breeze keeping things cool. And, well, it gave me time to come up with a plan that gets me my new bike when I get back from America instead having to wait until the middle of May.

Days like today make the hard days worthwhile.

A mixed bag of photographs

I used to have quite a few journal entries on my old photography folio so I figured I’d put them up here seeing I’ve quit the old place. The majority of these are street candids – a form of photography I find particularly challenging.

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Today’s wanderings provided me with…

photo title: silence is golden photo title: reflection photo title: into the blue

Silence is golden | Reflection | Into the blue

Today was such a beautiful day I decided it would be a waste to spend it inside. So out I went with my trusty beloved camera and took some shots. Took me a while to get my eye in and I seemed to be mostly attracted to shapes which didn’t really work as photos but perhaps I can use them as textures for other things. Still, I did get three photos I was happy with so I think that’s a pretty good result.

I’m really digging Reflection. Docklands isn’t my favourite place in Melbourne but who ever designed the car parks came up with some fantastic concepts.

I’m trying to get my creative mojo back. Things have been a bit tough for me recently and taking photos/being creative always makes me feel better because I feel like I’ve achieved something. I haven’t been getting a lot of comments on my photos recently but I’m getting a steady amount of views which is nice. Besides, my photography is only going to improve if I keep plugging away at it. It was very bad of me to put my camera down and not pick it up for months.

More comic book art goodies

The Armageddon pop culture expo was on this weekend and the only reason I went was because Jim Lee was going to be there. After Baltimore, the idea of heading to an pop culture expo really didn’t seem that appealing, especially when it features live wrestling. Bleugh!

I was fortunate enough to get my hands on some exhibitors passes so I didn’t have to pay to get in which was great. This’ll be harsh but it wasn’t anywhere near as good as last year and I found myself able to walk around the entire thing in about 10 minutes flat. A good con should take at least half an hour to navigate around, even if you don’t stop to look at anything. I suppose what I want from this sort of thing is different from other people because I want a proper artists’ alley. There were only a handful of local artists so my idea of getting a stack of Doctor Who sketches went out the window. Maybe next year at Supanova.

As I had an exhibitors’ pass, I decided to check it out on Saturday, even though I was on my own. I took my camera along, hoping to get some shots of artists at work but the light was so crap I couldn’t get decent shot without a tripod. I was most disappointed because I really wanted to see if I could get a photo of Jim Lee in a similar vein to the ones I’ve got of Barry Kitson. I really didn’t want to resort to using a flash, especially as I don’t have proper one and it would’ve been the one in the camera. At least I got to find this out before today. It would’ve killed me to have taken my camera only to discover I couldn’t use it in my normal fashion (ie: without a flash).

Anyhoo… I did get me some goodies…
Chris Bones – Batman.
Chris was great. I had a giggle talking to him and he loves Matt Wagner and Tim Sale so I got to excessively name-drop while I was talking to him. He also had a busted knee and a sign that said Will draw for food (or beer) which I found highly amusing. Great guy and a super artist. Good way to spend $20.

Sarah Milne – zombie Batman.
Sarah was fabulous. She was so funny and her sketches were brilliant. She was doing portraits of people but as zombies. But I didn’t want one of me, I wanted one of Batman. It makes me chuckle every time I look at it.

Joel Gomez – Green Arrow.
Joel was so lovely. He has a real enthusiasm for his work and I really loved talking with him. While queuing for Jim Lee, I saw him with Green Arrow sketch that looked extremely cool. I approached him and asked if he still had it but it turns out it was someone. Then he offered to do one for me. Very cool and I like the fact that Ollie has narrowed eyes. Bargain for $45.

Jim Lee – Batgirl.
I think I would’ve lost it if I’d queued for six hours and not come away with something from Jim Lee. I got this at about 5pm and he’s started timing himself in an effort to get to everyone in the line. He knocked out my Barb Gordon Batgirl in about four minutes. It was amazing watching him work. Best of all, the sketch was free.

For all my complaining at the start of this post, the day was pretty good really. I had good company in the Jim Lee queue and I got something that I wanted. Plus I managed to score a few other really nice pieces so I’d rate today as a success.

The way out is through

photo of snake walkway melbourne

I’ve been flicking through some of my old photos and I found at least one that I thought deserved an outing. I probably ignored it when I took it because I didn’t know how to do what I wanted to do to it. I’ve got Lightroom now and I’ve discovered a whole new world of post-processing.